Thursday, September 6, 2012

17 Weeks

How far along?          17 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week -1 lb, Total -3 lbs, I still haven’t been able to gain…not weight anyways.  My belly size has increased by over 2 inches.

Maternity Clothes:    Not yet, I’ve started thinking about shopping for some jeans though.

Continuing Symptoms:         Body acne, sore breasts, veins on chest are more noticeable, I’m generally just feeling good.  I do have some other symptoms that some people may not care to read about (various breast changes, or things such as darkening hair on my stomach.. )

New Symptoms:        Nothing really new, not sure if I’ve felt any movement yet.

Sleep:              There were a couple of nights this week where I had dreams about our big ultrasound and I woke up too excited to go back to sleep.  In one of the dreams we were having a girl, in the other we were having a boy.  Recently I had a bit of a back ache while sleeping, and felt the need to tuck a blanket under my barely there belly.

Cravings/Aversions:  Craving a lot more sweets this week: pancakes, French toast, smores.  And one non-sweet, Cheetos puffs.

Stretch Marks:           I don’t think so.

Special Moments:      We started subtly hinting about the pregnancy on facebook, it’s been funny getting people’s reactions.  We should fully announce in the next day or so.  I’m hoping to get people to take the gender poll.  J  (the link on this blog is located on the right).

Miss anything?           Carlos keeps drinking beer and making me jealous, haha.  So I have ice cream!  It was mint chocolate chip.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  Hearing baby’s heartbeat again next Tue., and of course the big ultrasound next Friday!


  1. I think I generally gained about 5 pounds by 20 weeks. I gained bunches around 7 to 9 months LOL. Sounds like your doing great! I read that they now make "pregnancy pillows", they didn't make these when I was pregnant LOL. When I was pregnant with you I craved cheetos, but I also liked orange soda with them, funny combo. I also thought it was funny to see peoples reactions on facebook (to your pregnancy). I think your poll is a fun idea. Can you see who votes or just the responses? Just curious. Have a wonderful week! Don't get arrested stalking mailmen LOL.

  2. Yeah, I haven't gained any weight, in fact I lost weight. I weigh 3 lbs less now than before pregnancy.

    I cannot see who votes, but I see the number of votes. However, I have only had 5 votes, so I know who voted what. :)
