Thursday, September 27, 2012

Actually "Working Out"

Body:  So lately I have considered my exercise to be any work I was doing packing & unpacking.  However, I decided to needed to be doing a bit more with regards to working out.  So, I started a new workout routine yesterday.  It's a 2nd trimester prenatal workout that I found on YouTube.  It was tough, in fact I only did half of it.  I want to make sure not to overdo it.  So, I say it was tough, but it wasn't tough compared to what I used to do, just compared with what I've been doing.

I have taken a few walks and done a few simple/easy prenatal workouts in the past few weeks, but I feel like they were a bit too easy for me at this point.  Let's see if I can stick to my new workout "schedule."

Home:  I have kicked things into higher gear with regards to getting unpacked and such at the house.  I had been sort of slacking on the unpacking and making excuses to put a lot of it off.  I set a date and invited people to our "House Party", so I now have until next Friday to get as much unpacking and settling in as I can before people come over to see the house.  I'll try to make an update video today or tomorrow, and then again next week (hopefully).

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