Thursday, December 20, 2012

32 Weeks

How far along?          32 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week 0 lb, Total +16 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:    I really enjoyed having a chance to wear all of my clothes this past week, since normally I’m just hanging around the house.  Next week I’ll get to show off my bump and maternity clothes again!

Continuing Symptoms:         Lots of movement, I’m feeling good, feel my muscles stretching, occasional back, sciatic, or hip pain, mild occasional restless legs, Braxton hicks, increased bathroom trips, some things are getting slightly more difficult to do, and I get tired and/or achy a lot easier.

New Symptoms:        Nothing really new, but it is getting harder to get comfortable in the evenings while sitting up.  Baby is all up in my ribs and puts pressure on my lungs; somehow I mostly just have issues with this in the evenings.  It's not a problem if I'm lying on my side.

Sleep:              Sleeping great.

Cravings:         Hmm…  can’t really think of anything in particular… I did, however, make some peppermint meltaway cookies this week!  I made them to give to our neighbors for the holidays, but we kept some for ourselves too!

Stretch Marks:           Not yet… 

Special Moments:      Having some NM friends over at our place!  It was really nice how helpful everyone was and how considerate they were/are of the pregnant lady.  It did get pretty tiring and achy wondering around Seattle, but I took lots of opportunities to sit down.

Miss anything?           I’d still love to go on a good run, although the weather here’s not good for that anyways…  We got about an inch of snow yesterday.

Belly Button in or out?         In, but transforming.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  Seeing family for our Christmas break!  We leave in two days, woo hoo!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Decor 2012

Here is a video of the Christmas decor that I did this year.  It doesn't show my snowman salt and pepper shakers, and I also have a banner that's hung up, but didn't make it into the video.  We didn't do any outdoor lights/decor this year, with the exception of a star in the living room window.

Monday, December 17, 2012

31 Weeks

So... I know this is late.  We had some friends in town and it just didn't happen.  I tried to write the following entry with only information that was accurate to 31 weeks, and not the 4 days that have followed.

How far along?          31 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week 2 lb, Total +16 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:   Nothin' new.

Continuing Symptoms:         Lots of movement, I’m generally just feeling good, feel my muscles stretching, mild occasional back, sciatic, or hip pain, mild occasional restless legs, Braxton hicks, increased bathroom trips, some things are getting slightly more difficult to do, and I get tired and/or achy a lot easier.

New Symptoms:        Still nothing really new.

Sleep:              Sleeping pretty well.

Cravings:         Hmm…  can’t really think of anything in particular

Stretch Marks:           Not yet… 

Special Moments:      I got to feel the baby’s head!  The midwife at my appointment on Monday (Dec. 10) felt for the position of the baby.  She took my hands and helped me to feel where the baby’s head was/is.  It was really neat.  I had such a nice appointment.  She asked what we were doing for childbirth prep, and I told her that Carlos and I were reading some childbirth books.  The one book she recommended to us was one that we are already reading, so that was pretty neat.  Oh yeah!  I also got to have a prenatal massage!  That was so nice.  And I celebrated my 29th birthday on 12-12-12!!

Miss anything?           Running.

Belly Button in or out?         In, but transforming.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to: 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

30 Weeks

How far along?          30 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week 0 lb, Total +14 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:    I bought some new clothes this past week!  Yay!  I'm hoping to not buy anymore maternity clothes this pregnancy.

Continuing Symptoms:         Lots of movement, I’m generally just feeling good, feel my muscles stretching, mild occasional back, sciatic, or hip pain, mild occasional restless legs, Braxton hicks, increased bathroom trips, some things are getting slightly more difficult to do, and I get tired a lot easier.    

New Symptoms:        Hmm…  Nothing really new.  Some days back, sciatic, & hip pain are worse than others, but I’m generally still pretty comfortable.  Housework is the worst for my back pain with lots of picking things up or leaning over the sink to do dishes (since I can’t get to close to the sink due to the belly).  I should start going on walks more, because I really like that.  However, I don’t really want to go by myself, and Carlos is never home during the week when it’s light outside…  Oh well, I’ll stick to in place cardio in the house, haha.

Sleep:              Sleep this week has been better than the week before.  It’s like I’ll have a few days of really good nights and a few days of slightly uncomfortable or interrupted nights and then back to really good nights.  Even the broken sleep nights aren’t too bad though!

Cravings:         Cereal, fried chicken, chocolate, cold sandwich meat…

Stretch Marks:           Not yet…  I’m guessing they’ll start popping up in the last month or two…

Special Moments:      30 Weeks!!  Aaaaa!  How exciting!  The 30's!  It's hard to believe we're so close.  One thing that struck me as special this week was that Carlos was saying how he never really got why people would brag about how big their children were…  But now he gets it because he’s so proud of how big and strong the baby is getting and of all her cool moves.

Miss anything?           I’d like a bologna sandwich!

Belly Button in or out?         In, but definitely still transforming.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  We get visitors this week!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 Weeks

How far along?          29 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week +3 lb, Total +14 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:    Nothing to report…

Continuing Symptoms:         Lots of movement, I’m generally just feeling good, feel my muscles stretching, mild occasional back, sciatic, or hip pain, mild occasional restless legs, Braxton hicks, increased bathroom trips, some things are getting slightly more difficult to do.     

New Symptoms:        I had a couple of tmi symptoms this week, though I honestly can’t remember one of them.  The other was a leaking nipple…haha.  There was one day where I was concerned with the amount of BH (Braxton Hick’s) contractions I was having.  I drank a lot of water and lied down for a while and that helped.

Sleep:              Not too bad, a little broken, but generally pretty good!

Cravings:         Cereal, oatmeal… fried chicken…

Stretch Marks:           Not yet.

Special Moments:      I had a nice appointment with a midwife on Monday and passed my glucose screening!

Miss anything?           I’d like to be able to lie on my stomach for a nice back massage.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  Buying some new maternity clothes.  I’m also looking forward to compiling a list of questions for the midwives about labor and delivery.  I will then finalize my birth plan and make a list of stuff to pack in our hospital bags.  =)