Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our New Home

We mostly successfully moved into our new home on Sunday.  I haven't done much unpacking, primarily because we're still packing/cleaning at the apartment.  It will all be done by 2:00 p.m. tomorrow though, when we have our final inspection!  It will be so nice to be done with it.

It turns out that the kitchen is a lot smaller than I had originally anticipated.  Unfortunately, the market and our desire to find a house before our lease ended didn't leave us with a lot of time to mull over and inspect the potential homes before deciding to purchase.  So... I will have to get creative with this kitchen.  As it is, I don't really have enough room for all of our kitchen gear, let alone any food...

My thoughts are to buy something similar to the following:
Once we get a bit more settled in, or are at least finished at the apartment, I will post pictures and updates.

16 Weeks

How far along?          16 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week 0 lb, Total -2 lbs

Maternity Clothes:    Not yet.

Continuing Symptoms:         Body acne, sore breasts, generally just feeling good.  I do have some other symptoms that some people may not care to read about (various breast changes, or things such as darkening hair on my stomach.. )

New Symptoms:        Veins on chest are more noticeable.

Sleep:              Great!  Our first night in the new house it took a while to fall asleep, only because of the sound of traffic, but by the second night I was already used to it enough for it not to bother me.

Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing really this week.

Stretch Marks:           Too early for this…  Did noticed a small purple line on a breast…  Don’t know if it’s the beginnings of a stretch mark or a varicose vein or something.

Special Moments:      We moved into our new house!  Once we get unpacked (and find out the gender in 2 weeks) we can start doing some real nursery planning.  J

Miss anything?           I didn’t miss much this week.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  Finishing cleaning up our old apartment, then we’ll have a 3 day weekend to relax and settle into our home!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

15 Weeks

How far along?          15 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week +2 lb, Total -2 lbs

Maternity Clothes:    Not yet, but my jeans are getting quite uncomfortable to sit in.  I have one pair of jeans that I cannot button.

Continuing Symptoms:         Body acne, sore breasts, generally just feeling good

New Symptoms:       Nothing new.

Sleep:              Typically great!

Cravings/Aversions:  This week’s craving was chocolate.

Stretch Marks:           Too early for this.

Special Moments:      Nothing new is happening or going on.  I’m just happy to be feeling great.  I really enjoy my husband’s reactions to the growing bump.  He gets excited/happy about it and feels it, sometimes he’ll just rub it or kiss it.  I catch him staring at my belly sometimes.  :)

Miss anything?           Cold sandwich meat.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  In the next week?  Closing on our house and getting the move over and done with.

Friday, August 17, 2012

14 Weeks

I have decided to do a weekly update here on this blog.  I'll start with where I am now, and spare you the ailments of the first trimester.  Enjoy!  Oh! And if you haven't already done so, please vote in the gender poll.  The link is on the right.

How far along?          14 weeks 1 day

Total Weight Gain:    This past week -1 lb, Total -4 lbs

Maternity Clothes:    Not yet, but my jeans are getting quite uncomfortable to sit in.

Continuing Symptoms:         A little fatigue, body acne, sore breasts
Sleep:              Typically great! 

Cravings/Aversions:  I really want a popsicle…  Still have a strong aversion to turkey bacon, and for some reason one of my favorite foods doesn’t sound good: popcorn.

Stretch Marks:           Too early for this.

Special Moments:      We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time this week!  I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to since the midwife couldn’t find it last month due to my anterior placenta.  I was also excited to schedule our mid-pregnancy ultrasound!

Miss anything?           I’ve been really wanting a Smirnoff Ice or something of that nature.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  In the next week?  Closing on our house.  Overall, so excited to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.

Monday, August 13, 2012

New Developments in the Home and Body

Well, considering that I think the only person who reads this blog (Mom) already knows this stuff I don't really need to state it, but oh well, haha.

New Developments in the Home:  We are buying a house!  I started packing today and we are moving in a little less than two weeks!  I am hoping to resume home blogs once we get internet, etc set up in the house.  These blogs will include progress of setting up the house and keeping it clean and organized.

New Developments in the Body:  I am housing a baby!  So... that's probably why I have let this and my other blog slide.  Talking about an energy zapper, haha.  Well I finally have some energy back!  I am updated my blogs, have been able to resume regular housework, etc.  While the recipes won't really be any different,  my workouts have been a lot (and I mean a lot) less strenuous.  After the move I hope to resume blogging about these things as well!  Perhaps I will also use this blog to write pregnancy blogs and updates.