Thursday, November 8, 2012

26 Weeks

How far along?          26 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week +2 lb, Total +11 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:    I haven’t bought anything new.  This week I’ve thought a bit about some nursing tops and bras that I’d like to buy before baby gets here.

Continuing Symptoms:         Lots of movement, I’m generally just feeling good, feel my muscles stretching, mild occasional back, sciatic, or hip pain, mild occasional restless legs.   

New Symptoms:        I’ve had a lot of fatigue this week.  I’m not sure if it’s because of some broken sleep, or if it’s just because my body is working hard.  This week it’s started to get ever so slightly annoying to bend over and pick things up.  Carlos laughed at me this morning because I was trying to put my feet up on my chair with my knees up, and it just wasn’t working, haha.

Sleep:              Sleep has been slightly broken this week with discomforts and getting really hot.  Twice this week I’ve had to get up in the night to use the restroom.

Cravings/Aversions:  Still craving sweets.  Carlos hid some taffy around the house for me!  So that was fun!

Stretch Marks:           Not yet.

Special Moments:      Some people say their favorite part of pregnancy is feeling the baby move, but I think my favorite part is when Carlos feels the baby move!  There’s been a couple of times at night or in the morning where he just gets ever so slightly concerned if she’s not moving at her usual times and waits until he feels her move until he gets up or goes back to sleep.  She’ll usually get her groove on if he starts singing to her too.  :)
                                    Also, realizing that we have less than 100 days until the due date was special, woo hoo!  98 days until the due date today.  I had a nice prenatal appointment on Tue., all was well.  My next appointment is in 3 weeks, where I will have a glucose screening (routine gestational diabetes screening), and then my appointments will start being every 2 weeks instead of every 4!

Miss anything?           Not really missing much, perhaps still wishing I could lie on my stomach.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  I’m still looking forward to getting the nursery ready.  I think if I can get a few things done in there, then it’ll feel more real.  We need another clothing closet rod for our upstairs closet so I can clear out the nursery closet.  I wish the shower was sooner; I’m really eager to start getting ready for baby, but the date of the shower is ideal for us in all other ways.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you, only 98 more days until due date. I keep wanting to do something or buy something LOL. I am also waiting for your baby shower, to see what you may need afterward. Of course, I will probably get something for the shower too :)
    Target has such cute clothes, such as sleeper sets, blankets, etc. Just adorable! Your decorations on your registry are adorable too. Can you tell me which items are a priority for you (regarding nursery deco), maybe we can help there.
    A "reacher" or "sock aid" may help you LOL, just kidding, but I thought of thos things when you said you had difficulty bending over and picking things up :)
    I'm so happy all is well. We look forward to the next update! Love you!
