Thursday, August 30, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along?          16 weeks

Total Weight Gain:    This past week 0 lb, Total -2 lbs

Maternity Clothes:    Not yet.

Continuing Symptoms:         Body acne, sore breasts, generally just feeling good.  I do have some other symptoms that some people may not care to read about (various breast changes, or things such as darkening hair on my stomach.. )

New Symptoms:        Veins on chest are more noticeable.

Sleep:              Great!  Our first night in the new house it took a while to fall asleep, only because of the sound of traffic, but by the second night I was already used to it enough for it not to bother me.

Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing really this week.

Stretch Marks:           Too early for this…  Did noticed a small purple line on a breast…  Don’t know if it’s the beginnings of a stretch mark or a varicose vein or something.

Special Moments:      We moved into our new house!  Once we get unpacked (and find out the gender in 2 weeks) we can start doing some real nursery planning.  J

Miss anything?           I didn’t miss much this week.

Belly Button in or out?         In.

Wedding rings on or off?      On.

Looking forward to:  Finishing cleaning up our old apartment, then we’ll have a 3 day weekend to relax and settle into our home!!

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