Monday, April 15, 2013

Home and Body Postpartum

It's been quite difficult for me to take care of both the home and my body since the arrival of our daughter (Rose, who is almost 8 weeks old now).  However, it's definitely getting better.  We haven't undertaken any major home improvement projects.  I feel like we are just now starting to be able to keep up with everyday house maintenance.  As for the body... I am quite pleased with my postpartum body.  I haven't done any official workouts, but I've done a few little things here or there.  Plus taking care of Rose is sometimes a workout (pacing, bouncing, lifting, etc).  I'm thinking it won't be too long before I again embark on a workout program/routine.

1 comment:

  1. I have not checked this for awhile.
    You are looking beautiful as always. Babies can definitely be a workout.
